It’s a Good Day // Journal 6.28.16

I woke up this morning super inspired and I’m so happy at how I’m doing today. 

3 almonds

1 cup of green tea

5 blueberries

And I’ve also started my daily workout! I’m excited because I can do it in my room where no one can see. 

20 jumping jacks

10 squats

But this is only halfway through the day, here’s my daily plan;

6 almonds

2 cups of green tea

20 blueberries

100 jumping jacks

50 squats

10 push ups

With this new plan I drew up for myself I get what fills my tummy and I burn it off right after! I also weighed myself this morning and I’ve lost a pound!! At this rate I can loose more, and hopefully loose 2 more pounds before I go on a camping trip with my family. 

Stay positive, dolls! You can do it!!

-K .xo

Telling The Truth // Journal 6.27.16

I’m going to come clean and say that I have BED (Binge Eating Disorder). I have been trying lately to stop eating and restrict to under 1000 calories a day but .. for me it is really hard. Today I was suppose to have 300 calories, but ended up eating 1,310 calories. Why am I so messed up? I messed up this whole diet plan that I had and I hate myself for it. From now on I am planning eat meal so that there is no way I can mess up again and binge.

I am also weighing myself tomorrow and I am terrified… I am going to stay up and post more thinspo because this blog doesn’t have enough. Ugh. Wish me luck guys.