A Great Diet Day! // Journal 6.28.16

So I woke up this morning SUPER inspired (may or may not have already said that in another post..), BUT! Nonetheless I actually stuck to it!! I had 139 calories today, and burned over 200! I weighed myself in the morning and night (yes I know you’re not suppose to do that) but I dropped a pound!

Okay okay I know I shouldn’t get excited about loosing a pound because in the morning it could be back up to my original weight.. But a girl can dream!

I’ve also found a huge community on YouTube all around thinspo and I’ve been watching videos all day! I really reccomend you guys to watch some videos on there if you’re looking for motivation to keep up your fast.

[* yes, the picture is of my food log! I’m planning my ‘meals’ and all the calories that go in my body and get burned off!]

Hope you guys have a glorious day, stay positive; change is just around the corner!

-K .xo 

Telling The Truth // Journal 6.27.16

I’m going to come clean and say that I have BED (Binge Eating Disorder). I have been trying lately to stop eating and restrict to under 1000 calories a day but .. for me it is really hard. Today I was suppose to have 300 calories, but ended up eating 1,310 calories. Why am I so messed up? I messed up this whole diet plan that I had and I hate myself for it. From now on I am planning eat meal so that there is no way I can mess up again and binge.

I am also weighing myself tomorrow and I am terrified… I am going to stay up and post more thinspo because this blog doesn’t have enough. Ugh. Wish me luck guys.